
[A whole freaking week has passed already?!?!! Un-fuckin´-believable].

Okay, so first, I have found it very soothingly calming to write down anything in bullet points. Anything that I manage to catch and remember while running way too fast across my mind into the vastless and oblivious place called short term memory to be forgotten forever. – I think it this is how the thought process and human brain works but idk, might be wrong.

* Thanks to my friend Dessi (I think I will forever think of you as my friend, because you have recently done so much more for me than my real talk-face-to-face, sit-down-next-to-at-school friends have done for months), I got completely addicted to Russell Brand´s Trews. I have loved this man for a long time now and I have generally agreed with everything he´s got to say (except for election, I still think no matter how screwed or corrupted our countries may be, we should still vote), and it can safely be said it has quickly become my primary source of information as well as interest. On his channel, he talks a lot about how the change of the way we are given information is necessary because it tells us how and what to think instead of laying out the facts as they are and letting us decide for ourselves. If you´d popped into my room at any time these past few days, it´s safe to say you´d found me sitting in front of my screen quietly mouthing words to myself, something along the lines of “I dont want to become a corrupted journalist” “I dont want to force people into thinking a certain way” “I dont want people to force me to think a certain way” “I want to stay woke af” – and upon these I shall act.

* I have become absolutely obsessed with Fall Out Boy music, as I realised these are the kind of angsty frustrated teenage lyrics tunes to scream and/or cry along to. I have fallen asleep to their songs twice yesterday, and I know it might seem like I find them boring, but quite the opposite – I just found the entire experience calming, a tool to cover over my mom yelling at me and as a tool to vent out my stresses about school work and upcoming exams. The heartbreaking realisation of no longer being asleep became immediately more bearable with the first strokes of guitar playing still in my ears.

* I got a free ride home from a bus driver on my commune I take every single day, sometimes even twice. I believe it was because I am always kind and polite and I say thank you and please.

*I am in need of going through piles and piles of old clothes and to try and find gems as I did last time, and I really have to hold myself back not to march into my local thrift store and start digging up for gold. Sadly, I dont have any money left, I used it all up onto a stupid trip I took with my friends to the city last Friday night. I am patiently waiting for the big sale to arrive and then I will feast (after all, I deserve it after all the tests I took this week).

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